Find the type of stain in the Stain Index below, then refer to the instructions given for the corresponding number or numbers for that type of stain.
Stain Index

- Blot to remove excess liquid.
- Soak with lukewarm water for one minute. Blot with sponge or paper towel. Repeat until no stain is evident on towel or sponge.
- Spray ‘N Wash Step: If stains persist, apply this cleaner and press into stained area with fingers. Blot excess. Rinse with lukewarm water to remove traces of detergent. Blot dry.
- Next Step: If stains persist, add lukewarm water. Fold paper toweling and place over stained area with weight. Check toweling every five minutes. Repeat until blotter is stain-free. (Note: This procedure may need to be repeated as deep stains wick up.)
- Brush up pile with gentle strokes or vacuum. Allow to dry before walking on carpet.
- Note: Mustard will fade with exposure to sunlamp or sunlight.

- Blot to remove excess liquid.
- Soak with lukewarm water for one minute. Blot. Apply hydrogen peroxide to the stained area and immediately follow with household ammonia. Blot. Rinse with lukewarm water. Blot dry.
- If stains persist, follow the Spray ‘N Wash Step described in Method 1.
- If stains still persist, complete the Next Step described in Method 1.
- Brush up pile with gentle strokes or vacuum. Allow to dry before walking on carpet.

- Blot or scrape off excess liquid or stain..
- Vacuum particulate. Soften stain with alcohol or dry cleaning solvent. Blot. Brush off particulate. Apply alcohol or dry cleaning solvent. Blot.
- If stains persist, follow the Spray ‘N Wash Step described in Method 1.
- If stains still persist, complete the Next Step described in Method 1.
- Brush up pile with gentle strokes or vacuum. Allow to dry before walking on carpet.

- Blot to remove excess liquid.
- Wet stain with alcohol or dry cleaning solvent. Blot dry immediately. Repeat twice.
- If stains persist, follow the Spray ‘N Wash Step described in Method 1.
- If stains still persist, complete the Next Step described in Method 1.
- Brush up pile with gentle strokes or vacuum.

- Blot to remove excess liquid.
- Rinse spot with lukewarm water. Blot dry.
- If cleaning method is not effective, have damaged area replaced (plugged) by professionals.

- Allow to dry.
- Vacuum excess.
Soak with lukewarm water for one minute. Blot with sponge or paper towel. Repeat until no stain is evident on towel or sponge. - If stains persist, follow the Spray ‘N Wash Step described in Method 1.
- If stains still persist, complete the Next Step described in Method 1.
- Brush up pile with gentle strokes or vacuum. Allow to dry before walking on carpet.

- Blot excess.
- Apply nail polish remover.
- Blot immediately.
- Repeat until no stain is evident on blotter.
- Brush up pile with gentle strokes or vacuum. Allow to dry completely before walking on carpet.